How much you can expect to pay out of pocket for spinal cord stimulation including what people paid. The other 15 cross within the spinal cord at the level they terminate and are carried within the medial corticospinal tract. Spinal Cord Anatomy Spinal Cord Spinal Nerve Spinal Nerves Anatomy Up to 40 of people have spinal cords ending below the transpyloric plane. . Then gently lift your affected arm up using your. In human the spinal cord ends at L2 vertebral level. When spinal shock ends spasticity or stiffness starts below the level that the spinal cord was injured. According to a study funded by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries average total medical costs of implanting a SCS system range from 19246 -. The nerve passing to the next level runs over a weak spot in the disc space which is the reason discs tend to herniate right under the nerve root and can cause leg painoften referred to as lumbar ra...